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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Children=Mess=Find a way to fix it!

Now we all now kids being kids will inevitably reek havoc throughout our lives leaving behind a variable cyclone of mess.. and at some point you come to terms with this and deal with it as best you can - I believe this is called Karma from all the chaos you caused your own parents!

So you can't stop the chaos and the mess but can sure stop it from staining everything in sight and constantly reminding you of previous incidents.

We have stumbled across a brilliant site called 'Stain Expert' and believe us - they really are.

Detailed step by steps on how to remove anything from just about anything, tricks and neat little secrets are all available from how to remove ink stains, carpet stains, crayon, paints, kids craft clean up and even what to do when you don't want your tattoo anymore!

Our favorite? Removing silly string stains - had no idea it even left a mark let alone was a repeat stain offender!

xx Casey

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