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Thursday, June 26, 2008

Sticky kid, sticky kid - what have you done?

It is so lovely when clients and friends share with us their 'Sticky Fingers' moments! Here are just a few of the happy snaps we received this week. In fact we are thinking we might even have a bit of a happy snap competition.. prize? A pack of sticky fingers wipes to help clean up the mess... LOL!

This is gorgeous and the Oh so stylish Charlie wearing her Red Thread, Orange peony beanie and a bit of a glazed look too.. "What are you looking at? Dont you know orange is the new black?"

Got a sticky kid of your own? Though you were the only one didnt you...

We'd love to share you're sticky moments too, just email us!

On a side note - I swore I would never be one of those parents I used to see with dirty kids, icky hands, snotty noses.. I used to think OMG - how hard is to wipe your own child's nose? NOW - I take it all back... I have a runny nose kid.. I swear i can wipe and blow every minutes of every day... but still he manages to always (or so it seems) to have a runny nose and subsequently sticky fingers. Conveniently the inspiration for said named site.. but still - I dream of having one of those perfectly clean and tidy children at least just for special occasions and birthdays?!

xx Casey

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cute beenie, do you still have any in stock?
